Music by:

Nathan Roberts


2022 Music

Artist Profile

Check out my songs on Spotify or Apple Music below

A bit about me

I’ve always had a passion for creativity, writing music was just the best medium to communicate all my ideas. I’ve sung for as long as I can remember and started learning guitar as a youngster. I have been on the move for a lot of my life, living in and visiting various countries whose cultures have each influenced me in many different ways.

This website

My artist name is UsThree, a play on Me, Myself and I, cos whilst I love to collaborate with other artists, this is mainly a solo project. I’m always learning however and could not do what I do without the hours spent watching youtube tutorials and taking in advice from people are more experienced than me, which brings me to my next point:

The purpose of this website is really just to act as a tool for me to communicate with. I want to be able to talk about the music I’m working on, the ideas I have and talk to anyone who might have questions, about my origins, my process, what I’m currently learning about music production and so on. So I will be posting snippets of my projects and make blog posts to keep people updated about my music writing, my struggles, my wins and my gigs.

I hope you can enjoy this journey with me and feel free to contact me about any ideas for collaboration.


My music

I’m nostalgic and pensive by nature, and I think that is reflected in the music I write and the lyrics I conjure up. The music I write doesn’t all sit within a single genre, either because I haven’t found my niche, or because I don’t feel that one genre can really address the full spectrum of emotions and experiences, we all encounter in our daily life.

I hope to be able to explore various themes, such as escapism, doubt, love and loss and create something through which people can fully express their inner thoughts and share this with the people around them.

original PODcast music

Are you interested in a unique and original track for your podcast?

Hear the sample track below

Private Events

Would you like to book UsThree for a private event or function? 

Pubs / Bars / Restaurants

Book UsThree for your venue

Upcoming Gigs

Come and see UsThree perform near you

YouTube / Podcast Tune Creation

I can create a custom intro tune or background music for your YouTube video or Podcast 

Hire Me

Contact for Bookings

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